Fitness, In My Mind

One Step: My journey to fitness

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…

This time a couple of years ago, I was yo-yoing in my weight. Averaging about 10lbs heavier than I am now, a relatively healthy eater, but not exactly comfortable in my skin. You see, I have a healthy self esteem, but when it came to my figure, I feared for the future me. I feared for what it would look like post-childbearing, and I kinda cringed at the fact that I dreaded being a mom because I didn’t want to “blow up” (I know, shallow but I’m just being honest). I wanted to have an active healthy family, but to be honest I didn’t really know where to start.

I had tried running with friends, but my excuse was always “I hate how it makes me feel!”

Fast forward to this time last year. Something HAD to change. My fears were inch by inch gaining more ground. I knew I would have kids (God willing) but I also figured that if I was to give myself a fighting chance at being this healthy, active, athletic figured mother I envisioned, I’d have to cultivate the habit NOW. Way before I’ll actually NEED to go bootcamp on the at least 40lbs the mini me would gift me…

This is the prologue to my fitness story. I’ve thought of making this a separate blog, but I’d love to test out the reception here first by posting bits of it. Plus my life is getting crazier by the minute, no point adding more to my plate than I can handle.

So please join me as I take you down this road less traveled.  I’m no expert, I’m just doing what works for me, what I glean off the internet, fit friends and Personal Trainers I meet along the way. I’ll pass on what I can, but please feel free to ask questions. I’ll do my best to source for answers where I get stumped.

The picture below is of me 6 months into my resolution, at my first extreme race. Yeah. It was as painful as it looks. Lol!!!

Me at my first Spartan Race…yes I plan on doing it again. lol!

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