Street Style

On the Subway

My schedule is pretty crazy, so I’ve been having trouble uploading my usual street style posts. I was lamenting about this to a friend who follow’s me on Instagram, and he said. “Why don’t you just do what you do on Instagram?!”. That was it! I had my mini epiphany.

Instead of bemoaning the fact that I can’t do all these great interviews and videos et al, why don’t I leverage what I do all the time. Take shots of shoes (and occasional stylish outfits) on the New York City Subway trains and platforms.

I’ll still try to do an interview when I can. Personal outfit posts too. My fitness journal will also make an appearance, but this will be what I want this blog to focus on. It’s the only way I see moving forward. So please enjoy 🙂






Please let me know what you think of this new direction, your opinion matters to me.
Have a great week!
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